Tuesday, January 31, 2012

the "KUNG" B-BOY

Sooo.... How was the show goes on???

yes right..  its still about my prize from Seoul Selection Magazine.

Lets take a look ;)

It was a great weekend though i only enjoyed by pictures.

The best thing is i gave away my tickets for right person. I was happy to see ur smile sing.. Its was indeed good for u to got rest from ur library lifes. Kkkk

I dont know who is the B-Boy~~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Thanks for Seoul selection magazine.

All picture taken by sing

(january. 28th. 6pm. At hongdae)

Do u know the price of ticket is 50,000₩.... i got two. So its about 100,000₩ = 100$ = 1.000.000 IDR!!!!


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