Saturday, November 26, 2011


There are no words can explain how happy i am now. Yeah my gift just arrived !!! ^^ its gift for my video cooking competition ^^

can u see here, what i got??? ^^

its just arrived! i was sooo sooo HAPPY!!!!
yeah U never know how happy i am right now~.
those gift really more than i expected as thanks gift!
yeah im failed.. as i said!


thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~!!!!! ^3^

I am READY to GO~~!!!!

Now i have a great pillow to makes my sleep getting well!!! xD

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

where's ur korean class?

well my friends always asked me, how u learn korean lang?
where n when u take class? yeah right... im not a student anymore. i have busy time in my days.
but there are many ways to get what u want right? as i wanted to know n learn about korean.
yes the best way for me is internet! so my answered is i take korea classNET kkkkk.. yes class on the net,
many website absolutely in networld, and i was tried one by one umm maybe 5 or 7 webs.. or over.. because i didnt stand long there, just join for few days or few mints n im out. but i have a great class ever! it is TALK TO ME IN KOREA.
i found those web at the same time i use other web. yes it was my way to get and to know which one is the best class!
talk to me in korea really different. the ppl so friendly, they gives a cool way to know or to learn korean. make it all going easy~! and thats right, once u know u wanted more to know!
they teach korean lang so rock, its like i eat my food. they gives not just a rice, but also the dish, the appetizers,the desserts, and the drink. oh well i dont know how to explain it with a good words! one thing i m sure u never get bored with  their class! because everyday have new menu to eaten! ㅋㅋㅋ but i'm still have diet so i didnt eat much.. kekekkekek mianhe for my bad seongsanim~ ;p

so do u  currious how's great my class? why dont u start to join?

dont just said u wanna u wanna but u never gonna to do anything. 

everything is possible. korea lang is not impossible,

take ur way as i did it so well ~

happy study


킴밥 kimbab

I have good mood to cooking recently. I tried some new recipes or made some meal as ussual. No lazy but feel sleepy everyday bcs the weather i guess. Rainy days~~
Okey today i made a kimbab 킴밥 or 김밥? ㅋㅋㅋ
It is korean sushi roll. Its not my first time to make it. But now i used nori snack.. kkkk well i was sure it will come with rich taste. N correct. Its right!!! Soooo delicious. As what i expected.
But u know, a snack. Its more thiny n crunchy not likes nori for cook.
So i have to slowly slowly to rolled n sliced. Yeap thats the important things to make ur kimbab looks good or bad beside about tezture of rice~!!. And mine getting little broken. Kkk
dont care bcs its really so so soooo yuuuummmmmmmmmy!! ^^

A Good food to have a good day!

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Monday, November 21, 2011

korean soup spicy tofu 김치 찌개

Have u wondering how taste of kimchi jigae 김치 찌개 or how to cook it???
Why dont u try to cook by instant seasoning??? Or even u can buy fresh kimchi packange! ^^ there is nothing wrong to get real korean taste by instant seasoning tho, or yeah u can take kimchi made by market so u dont need waste time to make kimchi..??! kkk...
Well in my case, Yep i just found it yesterday, n i was soo excited to try it asap. I didnt buy fresh kimchi but i bought the instant seasoning! Really was currious. they said "no added preservatives or artificial colours" hows great! Isnt it? So its right to makes me drop it to my basket, without thinking more. The One big question in my mind.. does they will come such as fresh kimchi made by koreanmarket because this seasoning is product of Thailand!!! @@! So i start to imagine i will eat thailand kimchi heh?? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Okeisss....Soo here we go.... just follow the instructions how to cook... mm but first, i starting to fry onion n green onion with few drops cooking oil , i want to get taste of onion as ussual as well i did for my meal bcs sure its makes the taste more delicious! and then put water n boiling it, and throw it all.. well done !! ^^v

Ah i put some fish cakes and a few drops soy sauce yep made it as my meal n ENJOY SOOO MUCH!!!! Damn delicious lol even i dont care how huge is it! :p FIND YOURS!!!

Happy cooking ~~~ 많이 드세요!!

(((*많이 드세요 - eat lots!*)))

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Friday, November 11, 2011

빼빼로 데이

ㅎㅇ... 해피 빼빼로 데이 친구들..!!
Hope u all have a great day with my pocky!!! :D

Pepero day is also called pocky day in japan. Pepero or pocky is choco stick snack. But mine is strawberychoco! ㅋㅋ Well its kinda celebrating V-day, sharing choco with ur dear friend or ur lovely. Only japan n korean celebrating.
And this year is millenium pepero, bcs the date so special, 11.11.11.

Where is my pepero???? ㅡ_ㅡ

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Friday, November 4, 2011

The destination

......................... just post by pic

Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4

FAILED! (winner anouncement of delicious seoul story)

Yup I am FAILED !! ya ya i've guessed it though, so i didn't expected too much to be a winner . so yah not big deal for me (but well i envy lol). alright at least im the winner for my self! yes i can proof what i wanted to do.. making damn hard video ..even become such as speedy buny tho. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ its the best that i have done, and the best event that i did to enjoy.  and they said To express their gratitude, all participants will be given a gift from them.. YAY!!!!!! thats really GOOODDD deal. thanks thanks KOREA!!!.

some gurls from indonesia is the winners. i proud of them. their video has lots lots viewers n thumbs! and that's a pretty cool video ! GO GO INDONESIA! 

here the announcement CONGRATZZ! 


I will Burn the other way !
thanks for all my friends who gave me the thumbs and always suport me as well.
love U all
[[[[TRACY TRACY many many thanks for u]]]]

사랑해요 여루븐 안녕..~! ^^
