Wednesday, November 23, 2011

where's ur korean class?

well my friends always asked me, how u learn korean lang?
where n when u take class? yeah right... im not a student anymore. i have busy time in my days.
but there are many ways to get what u want right? as i wanted to know n learn about korean.
yes the best way for me is internet! so my answered is i take korea classNET kkkkk.. yes class on the net,
many website absolutely in networld, and i was tried one by one umm maybe 5 or 7 webs.. or over.. because i didnt stand long there, just join for few days or few mints n im out. but i have a great class ever! it is TALK TO ME IN KOREA.
i found those web at the same time i use other web. yes it was my way to get and to know which one is the best class!
talk to me in korea really different. the ppl so friendly, they gives a cool way to know or to learn korean. make it all going easy~! and thats right, once u know u wanted more to know!
they teach korean lang so rock, its like i eat my food. they gives not just a rice, but also the dish, the appetizers,the desserts, and the drink. oh well i dont know how to explain it with a good words! one thing i m sure u never get bored with  their class! because everyday have new menu to eaten! ㅋㅋㅋ but i'm still have diet so i didnt eat much.. kekekkekek mianhe for my bad seongsanim~ ;p

so do u  currious how's great my class? why dont u start to join?

dont just said u wanna u wanna but u never gonna to do anything. 

everything is possible. korea lang is not impossible,

take ur way as i did it so well ~

happy study


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