Saturday, October 15, 2011

korean student live

Most korean have busy time always..! Worker have busy work, student have busy studyy. Yes study study study till death. They have to study as hell since at elementary school maybe only korea country have the great habbit as study so badly, n this is an issue in korea. No wonder kid got stressed over... even some student took sucide!!! Im sooo sooo currious how was parents teach them to made day by day eating a heavy book?? Really im wondering about that. Education family in korea is the most issue what i wanted to know.
Yeah Some my friends who is korean student in college, everyday always study even in weekend or in holiday tho. They will mooooreee busyyyyy if hv exam season! *.* its specially for man who was left study 2years bcs service militery, so they have to run run run to catch all things.
one of my friends always in library... spend day in there.. everyday! yea as second home. N i called him the library man. @@!! I cant.imagine if.i were him.... i.really death lol.. kkk.1000pages everyday...??!!! goooossh hope u always fine my.dear friends.. >_< when u get fun fun with ur friend??? Is a book store the great place to.hang out?? *.*

Thanks for the pics! it was my best present from  u ^^

Im soooo impressed with him. I imagine if here all studenst have great habbit as korean student, we will have the great things to makes everyything looks so great. Yes as korea country. The great country is bcs has the great next generation. It is the students!!

i found funny video about hows korean stuudent goes on in day.. kekkekeke.. :D

해피 스타디 !! 화이팅!!!! Plz dont die because of book... Tteokboki still good to eat ! *.*

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