Friday, July 15, 2011

an Apple

when i was bored, i did do many things to learned korea.... reading , searching, or made something things... taken picture and wohalaaaaaaaaaa..... what did u see now???? which one do u like?????

사과 = apple

i was posted this pic in my facebook before.. my friends like my apple glass...^^; yes its really cool n my lovely stuff!! i always worried if people touch it. well u know i got those apple from taiwan. i asked n requested my friend who is have study in there, she told me that there are has some store selling those apple.. so she promised n brought when she got back in here!. i like it since i saw "LOVE GENERATION-JDorama" maybe when i was in middle school. mmmm not sure... see.. its been loong time i was wanted n looking those apple!!! So she gave me some...2 other is little glass n i gave to my young bro because he love it too... ^^ do u like it tooo???


  1. Rien...i got a similar glass apple. I got it from a wedding "thank you" gift. I love that apple. We use it as paper weight.

  2. Wooow u always got easy n freeee for evrything...lucky u. Yesss it is really coooollll...
